BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

Candace Teuner

canon telephoto lenses

I have a canon ftb ql series camera and am looking for a good telephoto lens for nature photography. is there a good place online to buy them,or anywhere in or around vancouver,b.c? thanks!

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March 24, 2004


doug Nelson
  One good possiblity is to use Canon's own FD lenses. Since they don't fit anything else, they are coming down in price. Look at the 300mm f4. You'll need to use a tripod and cable release with this. US mail order used equipment dealers, such as will ship to Canada. Don't be afraid of a KEH "Bargain" lens. The glass will be just fine. Pick up a Canon 1.4 x or 2x extender to go with that.

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March 25, 2004


Candace Teuner
  thanks Doug!

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March 25, 2004

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