BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Starting a Darkroom

I am moving and am looking into adding a darkroom to my new basement. I've taken photography courses and know the basics of what I need, I'll be primarily doing B&W photography because that's all I've done. My question is about what kind of enlarger I need. I would be happy with a high quality B&W enlarger in the medium price range; however I might be willing to get into color photography later on. Would it be worth it to get a color enlarger and use it for both or to concentrate on a better quality B&W enlarger (that's really my passion). If anyone has any sugestions on a particular model that would be appreciated also.
Thank you,

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March 11, 2004


  Hi Alex

If your passion is in B/W your price range can be low on a used enlarger I will speak from my own experience. I have been involved with both B/W and color and want the diversity. I have a used Omega Super Chromedic D Dichro 2 , I payed for it in installments - 1,200. I can make B/W and colr plus it came with great lenses - thats important. The lens is always important. I can also mount this enlarger to a wall for large prints. So keep in mind how "big" you want to go. Whats great about a color enlarger is that you can dial in the filters for your prints versus having a filter pak for B/W. I am happy with my choice in model - many shows later.

Good Luck Kiki

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March 11, 2004


Randall Stewart

Most people use variable contrast B&W paper these days, so I think you would find an enlarger with a dichroic colorhead to be an advantage over using VC filters inserts.

I would be happy to suggest several enlarger models, both new and used, which would be appropriate, but I'd first have to know (1) what range of film formats you want to cover and (2) what you mean by "medium price range". With respect to Kiki and her choice, I'd not suggest going $1,200 into an Omega these days. There are many other and less costly options of equal or better usage and quality.
[Off group contract:]

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March 20, 2004


Bunny Snow
  Hi Alex,

I have a Simon Omega Variable Condensor, D-2 enlarger with Schneider lens to give away for shipping costs. It's quite heavy. Also have a paper tray, and at least one darkroom light. All free. The equipment is in good shape and does not deserve to be trashed. However, it's been in my attic for 30 years.

Now, due to roof damage from Hurricane Rita, our attic needed to be emptied. There is no damage from Rita to the enlarger, but it needs a good home. Again, it is free, except for shipping.

Please contact me at . I live in Lafayette, Louisiana, USA

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October 09, 2005


Lynn Lynn
You probably don't, but if you do still have your equipment, I'm interested.

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November 02, 2005


Bunny Snow
  I still have my enlarger although I have had several inquiries from interested parties. Most have recommended that I sell it at e-Bay, and I certainly could use the money.

Regardless, the shipping will cost between $35 and $50.

Additionally, I'm having trouble sending messages out of my personal email box and therefore, I'll need to wait until my husband returns to the country to communicate with all interested parties first, before going ahead with shipping the enlarger anywhere.

I want to be clear that this is a black and white enlarger of around 1964 or 65 vintage. It is not for color photography.

Also, while I bought it for use with 2 1/4 square negatives, it should work for 35 mm up to at least 4x5 if not higher. However, I cannot find the sandwich negative carrier. Therefore, you would need to make a negative carrier yourself.

I've injured my hamstrings and cannot get around right now, but as soon as either my husband returns or I'm mobile again, I'll photograph the enlarger and display its image.

Thanks for your interest. If you are still interested, please send me an email.

~Bunny (a.k.a. Susan) Snow

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November 02, 2005


Lynn Lynn
  My husband is also out of the country. He's in Iraq. He comes home next month after a year gone.
I'm still interested, so please keep me in mind.

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November 04, 2005


Bunny Snow
  To add to my previous comments, I have photographed close ups of the condenser, lens, bellows (all of which are in good shape) and more of my Simon Omega enlarger and this is online at my web site Click on enlarger in the lower left hand corner.

The lens is a Schneider lens. More information through:

We are estimating the shipping costs would be $75.00 across the USA.

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February 28, 2006

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