BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

How do you rate NikonF55(N55)SLR?

How is Nikon F55(N55) SLR?

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March 06, 2004


Buddy Purugganan
  It is Nikon's entry level 35mm auto-focus SLR camera. Shutterbug magazine praised the lightweight, simple to use, ergonomically-designed, user-friendly camera. Nikon had the EM manual focus cameras before and for their amateur-novice lineup the N55 seems intended for the budget shopper in mind. Enjoy its features and make sure you get the warranties when you buy the N55/F55!

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March 07, 2004


Buddy Purugganan
  It is Nikon's entry level 35mm auto-focus SLR camera. Shutterbug magazine praised the lightweight, simple to use, ergonomically-designed, user-friendly camera. Nikon had the EM manual focus cameras before and for their amateur-novice lineup the N55 seems intended for the budget shopper in mind. Enjoy its features and make sure you get the warranties when you buy the N55/F55!

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March 07, 2004

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