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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

Susan Sande

Is the Nikon N65 a bad compromise?

I've been wanting the N80, but finances are tight. I can get an N65 body for $100 and small change today. And then I was going to start with a Quantaray lens. Am I going to be disappointed? Should I hold out for the N80? I am just getting back into 35mm after 8 years digital.
Thanks! Just want to get back to 35mm again to try it out.

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March 05, 2004


Buddy Purugganan
  I am using the Nikon N65 with a Tamron 28-200mm Aspherical lens for taking pictures---its smooth and like a Mercedes Benz SLR ( know that foxy sportscar?). Why use Quantaray---get a Tamron or Tokina! ( Nothin' against the Q brand---)The N80 is wonderful---but you missed out the terrific N75---pretty MORE fun than the N65. Anyway---enjoy gettin' back to print film processing!

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March 07, 2004


Vito Sutanto
  nikon N65 is good as far as you need the auto thingy. Its not good if you want to learn manual all the way. It lost important control such multiple exposure, ISO control, lightweight gives you least balance at longer exposure, and more. I recommend F80 IF you want to go full manual, for compromise, N65 is good (have said that still thinking of least benefit you will get later in the future). F75 has way better feat. Or Nikom FE, FM, EM for less price manual. For lens, Q brand is just the same with Tokina or Tamron in picture quality. The only difference only comes from the build quality, the material. I say from my experience of having f65... f80 definitely worth the wait, I mean, I really enjoyed my photography experience with f80 more than f65. More balance, more control, larger viewfinder(f65 makes my left eye tears), firmer hand holder, more stable... so much more.. its the best nikon value for 35 mm slr!

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March 07, 2004


Hannah Girotti
  Vito(or anyone else):

Do the statements in your above post concerning manual only vs. an auto option apply to just the N65 or other models as well? (I am a beginner and am deciding what camera to buy.)

Thank you.

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March 08, 2004


Susan Sande
  Thanks for your comments and keep them coming. I've done the full manual thing in the past, up until the mid-90's. Then went digital. I ran a few totally manual rolls through my old SLR and decided to try auto for a while.

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March 08, 2004

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