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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

viewfinder adjustment for bad eyesight

Am considering Nikon FM2 or FM3 for serious slr camera (plant photography mainly, no flash), ie generally manual as I want simplicity and control - but I wear glasses and an adjustable viewfinder so I can see through it without glasses would be marvellous. Is true that I can't do that with these cameras? If not, is there an adaptor (I've heard rumour of one)? Does it work? Any other suggestions? Also, I'm buying complete system, and while I have an idea what length lenses I want, are there Nikon lenses that would transfer to digital should I end up there, as I eventually might? I mean, do I need AF lenses or something to do that? I can't ever imagine wanting to use autofocus, any disadvantage to having it in quality terms? Also third question: I'm assuming no reason to buy medium format - am hoping to sell some stuff if it works out (long-term plan)- is my assumption correct? Many thanks if anyone can answer one of these! Great site.

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March 04, 2004


Bob Cammarata
  I use FM2's all the time, and also wear glasses. There are diopter correction lenses which screw into the threads inside the eyepiece. I've never used them, but seeing this question made me consider trying them out myself.
Check out this website:

For plant and flower photography, I've found the split-center of the focusing ring in the viewfinder to be useful in achieving tack-sharp focus, with or without my glasses. This can be used for other subjects as well, as long as they are stationary, and have defined lines in them. (In dim light though,...half of the focusing ring blacks out,...which is frustrating.)

As to your AF lens question...., check out this link concerning camera/lens compatibility:

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March 04, 2004

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