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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

Liz R. eiten

buying a camera bag

I'm looking into buying a camera bag. I'm looking for something thats easy to take around because I travel a lot but also something that holds all my equipment. Does anyone have any tips where I can buy an inexpensive camera bag that is convenient for me? Please respond =)

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February 27, 2004


doug Nelson
  The more I see of camera bags with a lot of tech-looking buckles and straps, the more I think I'd be better off with a four-compartment lens insert from Domke, R.A.P.S. velcro-fasten wraps for the cameras, and a cheap, inconspicuous shoulder bag from a discount or military surplus store. This fancy-scmantzy stuff is nothing but a thief magnet. I know someone who carries his $2,500 Leicas in a lime green diaper bag.

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February 27, 2004


Bob Cammarata
  I personally, prefer an in-expensive back pack to a camera bag. It's easier to carry, has better weight distribution and, as Doug mentioned, less conspicuous than a traditional camera bag.

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February 27, 2004


Andy J. Lastra

I couldn't agree more with Doug and Bob. I have a closet full of various makes, models, sizes of bags and its just easier and safer to put everything in a back pack that looks like the backpack everyone else is carrying around the airport, bus station, school yard. I carry my "stuff" in a Lowepro MiniTrekker which looks like a plain old black backpack. The tripod holder attached to it is unrecognizable unless you're a photo nut. Practcial Photography's wildlife expert Andy Rouse carries the same bag. NOTE: do NOT stick the tripod in it...dead giveaway to who you are and you defeat the whole stealth purpose. If you look carefully, you can find this bag for about $80 on line. Good luck!

Andy Lastra

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March 01, 2004


Susan Sande
  This may sound a little weird but when I was in college I carried my camera in my backpack, inside a pink Playtex Tampon box. I could leave the backpack open on the floor and guarannty no one would touch it.

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March 01, 2004


Liz R. eiten
  haha...good idea =) thanks

thanks for everyone elses responses too! I appriciate it.

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March 01, 2004

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