BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

buying an slr

I am looking at slr cameras, currently Pentax ZX-L, is this a good camera to start with and hopefully stay with? I will be using the camera mostly for photos of my family and trips, nothing too extraordinary, but I do like to play around with photos sometimes....anyway, not a pro.
I was looking at an outfit on ebay that added a QD after the ZX-L, what does that stand for? What I liked about the Pentax, is the fact that it will do all of the thinking for me if I want it to. Please help!

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February 24, 2004


Jon Close
  Yes, the ZX-L is a good SLR for beginner (as are similar models from Canon, Minolta, and Nikon). Besides full auto, if/when you become more advanced it can be used in the aperture-priority, shutter-priority, or manual exposure modes.

QD is a "Quartz Date" back that uses quartz timer/calendar and LEDs to print the time and or date of the photo directly to the film so that it shows in the corner of the printed picture. OK if you want that, I personally don't. Once recorded it is permanent on the negative or slide. If you get a camera with this feature, you can chose to turn it off.

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February 25, 2004

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