BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

how to shoot dance recital pictures

I am looking for a new camera. I need an easy to use one that will allow me to take pictures of my daughters while they are dancing. The one I have now is not fast enough and all the pictures come out blurry. I would prefer one with an auto focus feature. Any comments on the Canon EOS GII would be appreciated

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February 23, 2004


Buddy Purugganan
  Any of the Nikon N series ( N55,N65 and N75) and supply yourself with Kodak Portra 800 color print film/ Supra 800 or Fuji's NPZ 800 or Superia 800 are quite excellent to avoid blurred photos and prevent underexposed shots,Marci. If you want a good flash for the Nikon, they have the SB Speedlight series ( SB 50DX or SB 80DX and the SB 28DX.)But use an ISO 400 film ( Kodak Supra/Portra or Fuji Superia/NPH 400 ). ENJOY!

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February 23, 2004

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