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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

Bruce Lhonneux

Takumar Lens

Hi, On the front of the M42 lens it says, Asahi Opt. Co. Takumar 1:4/300 1969025. I would like to know if this is a good lens to buy. All information would be greatly appreciated.

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May 27, 2008


Alan N. Marcus
  Hi Bruce,

Follow links.

Asahi Optical- respected name in the business.

Alan Marcus

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May 27, 2008


John H. Siskin
  Hi Bruce,
Unless you are buying it as a collectable it would help to know what camera you are putting it on. Lenses are not interchangeable between camera makers in most circumstances. Also if you are using a camera with a chip smaller that the 35mm frame this lens will be too long for most subjects. Thanks, John Siskin

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May 27, 2008


Jon Close
  Pentax Takumar 300 f/4 is a pretty good tele for pretty cheap. Super-Takumar or SMC (Super Multi-Coated) are preferred over original version. The original version has 82mm diameter filter threads, the Super and SMC are 77mm.

There are no digital SLRs that can use the M-42 screw-mount lenses directly, but there are cheap adapters available for using these lenses on Pentax and Canon EOS DSLRs. Limited to manual focus (of course), and stop-down metering in M and Av (aperture priority autoexposure) modes.

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May 27, 2008


Bruce Lhonneux
  Thanks for your quick response and answers Alan, John and Jon. Ive decided on your information to stick to the smc lenses. My camera is a Pentax spotmatic and I prefer to use the lenses rather than collect them. I'm basically after a longer lens to use were I'm restricted from moveing in closer, but still require a good depth of field. Any suggestions from previous experience.

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May 27, 2008

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