BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

Sajeev Chacko

New Compact or Used Manual/AF SLR

A friend of mine wants to buy a camera. He needs it mainly for shooting his family and taking snaps when on trips. A good new compact camera can be as expensive as a used manual/AF SLR but I find he can learn a lot and shoot better with a SLR. Secondly, many lenses can be attached to an SLRs. But the problem is flash. Manual cameras usually doesn't have a built-in flash. Only external flash units are possible. I want to know your opinion about which camera should I recommend compact, manual or auto-focus 35mm cameras.


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March 25, 2002 - Jim Miotke

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  Hi Sajeev,

If you think he'll be okay with the larger size of an SLR, I would go with a manual or automatic SLR (go automatic if he can afford it - auto focus can usually be switched to manual but not the other way around).

The fact of the matter is that the flashes on the compact cameras are pretty poor in quality. Sure it will cost him more to get an external flash but the quality is usually far superior.

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March 26, 2002

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