BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Which type of lens

Hi guys, I currently own a Pentax MZ-7 with a 28-80 pentax lens and a 100-300mm sima lens. I want to buy either a 28-200 or a 28-300 lens. Is there any loss in picture quality when using one of these lenses as oppose to the combination I already have? Also is one brand of lens any better than another? Thanks.

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March 05, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  Are you dissatisfied with your current lenses? Or are you just interested in having only one lens? The larger the span of the zoom the poorer the quality of the images from that zoom (generally speaking). With that in mind I would say keep the lenses you have and not worry about getting one of the "super" zooms (unless you aren't happy with the lenses you have). As far as brands go, I prefer to stay with the OEM lenses but depending on your use a third party lens may be fine.

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March 05, 2002

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