BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

Linda Bukovac

Pentax K110 Digital Camera

Does anyone own a Pentax K110? I just bought one and I am a little confused, I can't take a picture with the LCD screen, I have only had a Olympus digital camera and you could look thru the LCD and take the picture. Is this common on the SLR cameras that you have to look thru the viewfinder to take the picture. I hope this isnt a stupid question. Thanks Linda

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September 17, 2006


Jon Close
  Most DSLRs do not allow using the LCD as viewfinder. The digital sensor is not "live", it sits behind both the mirror that directs the view to the viewfinder, and the shutter curtains. There is an Olympus model (I forget which) that has a live view in the LCD. It is accomplished with a second low-res sensor dedicated to that task.

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September 17, 2006


Linda Bukovac
  Thank you so much, I thought I was doing something wrong.

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September 17, 2006

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