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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

Erik Hanson

What lens will best suit this scenario?

My current setup is the Digital Rebel, the 17-85 IS lens, a tripod, and a cir. pol.

On my last backpacking trips 70% of the picutes were fine, but was left wanting a little bit for a longer zoom for some of the mountain peak pictures. I've been eyeing the Canon F4 L (non-IS). But was wondering what other less expensive lens's could fill in until I've saved my pennies.

In my town, I'm quite limited as to retail lens's. And am looking for the lens for tomorrow, I know not giving myself a lot of time.

These are the options available locally:
Canon 75-300mm III zoom lens - USM F4-5.6. $280

Canon 80-200mm F4.5-5.6 zoom lens -

Tamron 28-200mm XR (silver) w/hood for Canon EOS - AF 28-200mm Super Zoom F3.8-5.6 Asperical XR (IF) Macro $250

Sigma AF 55-200mm f/4.5-5.6 Digital Camera Lens - for Canon $220

Thank you for what input provided.

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September 14, 2006


Jon Close
  I'd lean toward the Sigma 70-300 f/4-5.6 APO DG or the Tamron 70-300 f/4-5.6 LD Di rather than the Canon 75-300 or the 28-200/300 super zooms.

For the smallest/lightest with good reach, the Canon EF 55-200 f/4.5-5.6 USM II is reputed to be pretty sharp stopped down to f/8 or so. Similar for the EF 80-200 f/4.5-5.6 II. The Sigma 55-200 f/4.5-5.6 DC has nicer manual focus control. It is a DC lens, which means it projects a smaller image circle sized for the Digital Rebel. But it isn't smaller or lighter than the EF 55-200 or 80-200 so there isn't any advantage to that.

Prices quoted seem high to me. Is that $CAN or $USA?

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September 15, 2006


Erik Hanson
  Prices are in $CAN.

I spend many hours reviewing samples over at pbase, of the different lens. And I'm leaning towards the Tamron lens.

One thing I did notice was the store in town is selling the Silver Tamron for $250, while henrys is selling the black one for $500 is there a difference other than the color?

Thank you,

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September 15, 2006


Jon Close
  There usually isn't any difference between silver and black. The lenses may not be exactly the same model. Tamron and Sigma update their line fairly often for improved function, lens coatings, etc. The cheaper lens may (or may not) be an older version, maybe non-Di or non-XR?

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September 15, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  I gotta ask ya Erik, why do you need to make this decision seemingly overnight? Can't one of those places rent you the lens you're interested in to take it for a test drive for a few days, see how you like it and THEN decide whether to buy one?
Take it light.

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September 17, 2006

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