BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

Stephanie M. Stevens

film for vintage camera

I recently purchased a Kodak Duaflex IV camera at a garage sale, and I thought it might be fun to take some pictures with it. It takes Kodak 620 film. Any idea where I might be able to find that film? Would it even be possible to get it processed? Also, the lens is very dirty, how should I go about cleaning it?

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May 28, 2006


BetterPhoto Member holds your answer. They carry 620 film. They also carry many other hard to find film sizes. This link takes you to Porter's Camera Store in Cedar Falls, Iowa.

Have fun and keep shooting,
Mark H.

BTW, welcome to Better Photo.

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May 28, 2006


BetterPhoto Member
  Also, get a blower brush from a local camera shop. These can be had for a modest cost. If the lens is very small, place a drop of cleaning fluid on the tip of a q-tip and, starting at the center of the lens, use a circular motion working outward. This is after you use the blower brush to remove any dust and dirt on the lens. You don't want to clean the lens with dirt and dust on it because of the possibility of scratching it.

After you apply the cleaning solution, use a soft lens tissue or dry end of the q-tip to buff the lens. NEVER APPLY LENS CLEANING FLUID DIRECTLY TO THE LENS!! This can cause fungus if it gets inside.

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May 28, 2006


Stephanie M. Stevens

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May 28, 2006


BetterPhoto Member
  Anytime, Stephanie. Have a great night.

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May 28, 2006


Jon Close
  620 is the same size as 120 film. What is different are spool sizes. A 120 roll cannot be used directly in a camera made for 620. If you have 2 (or more) 620 spools - one for the film and one for take-up - you can buy readily available 120 film and respool it onto your 620 spools (in a film changing bag or darkroom). A quick search turned up this page - - describing the procedure.

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May 29, 2006


Stephanie M. Stevens
  I found size 620 film at B&H, but they have several different varieties and I don't know which is best for this particular camera. Color? Black and White? Print, slide? What do you think?
BTW, goofy question but I actually found film on ebay that was supposed to be developed before like 1961. What happens to film that old?

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May 30, 2006


BetterPhoto Member
  It's usually too brittle to work with and the emulsion will do strange things to your images.

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May 30, 2006

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