BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Not sure what lens to purchase...

I recently purchased a Canon Rebel K2-now that I have an inexpensive body, I want to purchase a GOOD lens that will be effective me. I enjoy nature photography most; wildlife, landscapes, and water shots especially. Any advise about lenses good for this purpose would be greatly appreciated!

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February 01, 2006


Buddy Purugganan
  A Canon EOS EF 28-135 "IS" USM or a 28-200mm USM lens are quite excellent for your wildlife trek. In the EF "L" lenses ( if you can spend more.....) a 35-350 USM 3.5-5.6 or 16-35mm 2.8 are quite handy for landscapes and water shots. A 550 EX EOS flash system with ISO 200 or 400 film (Fuji Superia or Kodak Royal Supra, or Portra 400 UC ) are quite helpful while taking photos. Enjoy...

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February 22, 2006


Glenn E. Urquhart
  Hi Lori - Agree with what Buddy says. I own a Canon 70-300mm F4-5.6 IS USM lens. The Image Stabilization (IS) allows you to hand hold this lens at lower shutter speeds and it WORKS! This lens is great for wild life. This lens or the ones mentioned by Buddy would work very well for you. Have fun! Cheers, Glenn.

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February 22, 2006

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