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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

Lisa M. Hodanish

URGENT! NEED to replace Canon FD 35-70mm lens

I have a Canon AE-1 and need to replace my 35-70mm lens, 1:3.5-4.5 Macro lens. I have had the camera since 1987 and just recently dropped it. The lens didn't completely brake but the rings don't turn very well. They are pushed together on one side.

I need the lens by Sept 23 for an Australian trip. I can't afford a new camera right now.

It does not have to be a Canon lens but if its not, then is there a third party lens that would work?

Thanks for anyone that can help.

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September 09, 2005


Jon Close
  Very few options for a new lens since Canon dropped support of the old manual focus FD mount about 12 years ago. Lenses made for Canon's autofocus SLRs (EOS, EF, Canon AF) cannot be used.

Tamron makes 28-70 f/3.5-4.5 and SP 28-105 f/2.8 LD in manual focus Adaptall-mount for Canon FD.
Tokina makes SZ-X 28-70 f/3.9-4.8 and SZ-X 28-105 f/3.5-4.8 for Canon FD.

There are also some Cosina-made (also sold as Vivitar, Promaster, Phoenix,...) manual focus lenses for the Canon FD mount. Otherwise, shop used for Canon FD mount lenses.

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September 10, 2005


Lisa M. Hodanish
  Thanks for the help Jon. If I wasn't able to get a used Canon lens, I would go for another brand.

So with your info. I know now what other brands fit my camera.

I know eventrually I need to upgrade my camera but I have had it so long that it has become very sentimental.

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September 10, 2005


  I believe there are lots of Canon FD 28, 35, and 50mm fixed focal lenses in the market. I had a Canon AT-1 and a Canon Ftb QL camera. I used a 28mm and 50mm on these cameras for more than 20 years which I think are good enough for traveling.

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September 10, 2005

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