BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

Sherrie K. Kizer

resale value of a camera

I am not a photographer but found the link to your website while searching Google. I have a 25 year old Pentax K1000 camera which has only been used a few times and is in excellent condition. I would like to sell the camera but have no idea what it might be worth. It has the regular lens that came with it and a telephoto lens as well as the flash. Could you please give me some idea of a fair price to sell the camera for? Any help you can give me will be greatly appreciated.

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September 06, 2005


Tom Walker
  The "original" japan model should go for about $150, the later hong kong model a little less and the china model a little less than that. There's a "cult" following of these cameras that keeps the price fairly high. I paid $115 for mine new too many yrs ago to think about. I recently bought a "china" model on ebay for $11.50. I see them in my local camera shop useed w/o lens for $80-$100, depending on condition. Hope this helps.

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September 06, 2005


Sherrie K. Kizer
  Thank you very much for the useful information.

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September 06, 2005


Joan Bellinger
  If you have some type of trader or local newspaper exclusively for selling used items, check there.

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September 10, 2005

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