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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

Marquee Smith

Canon Users-Flash feedback

What is the preferred speedlite among Canon users- the 550EX or 580EX?

I am going to purchse a flash this week. Originally I was going to get the 550EX but I am wondering if buying the 580EX will be better in the long run.

Currently I have a Rebel Ti. I will eventually upgrade to the EOS 3 or a Canon digital.

Any suggestions???

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September 04, 2005


Christopher A. Vedros
  The 580EX is the replacement for the 550EX. It is a bit more powerful and has a few more features. If the difference in price is not a big problem for you, I would go with the 580EX.

If the cost is a concern, you can probably get a good deal on a 550EX and save some money.

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September 04, 2005


  From what I understand is that the 580EX is lighter, a little more powerful, and a whole lot more expensive. And it has automatic White Balance and image sensor type detection for digital cameras which your camera has no use of these features. You may not be able to find new 550EX. But if you do, I would recommend the 550EX for your camera instead of the 580EX. Besides, when you buy your digital camera, your 550EX still can be use on it. This is just my 2 cents.

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September 05, 2005


Marquee Smith
  Chris and Andy, great information as always. Thank you. Price is not a huge issue. $50-70 difference in price between the two.

One thing I have learned thru various BP threads is: if the extra features are not absolutely necessary, go with the equipment that serves your purpose. I can't utilize the AWB or image sensor type detector at this time. I am probably six months to a year away from going digital; there may be a new flash by then. I think I'm going with the 550EX.
Thanks again for your help.

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September 05, 2005

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