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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

Justin G.

Smith Victor Lights: Good Starter Choice?

At first, I was inquiring about Alien Bees, and $600 is a lot to tackle for me, so I found this Smith Victor set for $200 from B+H that includes 3 flashes, stands, 2 umbrellas, sync cords ... etc. Now I know B+H is reputable but is Smith-Victor? I just need something as a starter to get my foot in the door for portrait lighting and things. Thanks for the input. Also, the sync cords are what connect directly to my camera right?
Here's the link:


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August 25, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  Smith Victor is one of the oldest names in studio lighting. They supply lighting to many a TV station and movie company. However, you are comparing apples to oranges here. Alien Bees are strobe lights (flash), while Smith Victor are continuous hot tungsten lights.
Michael H. Cothran

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August 25, 2005


Justin G.
  Well, I went to their site and I clicked AC Strobe Light Kits and it came up with the one I want called "3 light thrifty umbrella flash kit", included is 3xFlashlight 45i AC Slave/Master Flash so this leaves me to believe that its a strobe flash like the one on my camera. Am I missing something somewhere? I see that they ALSO have steady tungsten hotlights, but they also have a strobe flash section. So do you think this strobe set would be a good starter for the price? Thanks.

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August 25, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  Evidently, you're not missing as much as I am! I was not aware that Smith Victor had joined the ranks of strobe manufacturers. I'd compare what's in the box, and how much power each kit has, and base my decision on those criteria. Each doubling of watt seconds = 1 f-stop of light power.
Michael H. Cothran

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August 25, 2005


BetterPhoto Member
This is a good example of you get what you pay for. These are strobes, but they are only 45-watt seconds. That is less power than a Nikon SB800 on your camera. Bounce those out of the umbrellas and you barely have enough power to take a portrait with your lens wide open. Then if you add a few more people to the scene and need depth of field, you wont have power. Research carefully or you may be disappointed. I have 10 white lightnings, same people that make alien bees and I love the product.

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August 25, 2005


  Great info, Charlie! Always nice to have an experts opinion on this stuff! Any opinions on light meters???
Timeless Images by Mellanie

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August 25, 2005


Justin G.
  Thanks, Charlie, so much for your help. Now I understand it a tad more and probably won't go for these. I'll just stick with the alien bees little starter digibee set even though its $600. Thanks again.

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August 26, 2005


BetterPhoto Member
I use Sekonic and am still using the same meter for the last 15 years. Get a combo flash/incident so you can meter both light types. I have been using mine so long that I don't know much about the new ones. I think most Sekonic are all flash/ambient these days.

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August 26, 2005


Nicole Kessel
Hi Justin. I recently bought the SV two light kit (KF2U) from B&H. (I didn't have much of a budget either!)
So far I have been really happy with them. But, I don't have a whole lot of experience with artificial lighting. I figured they would give me something to play around with until I had more experience. Also, I can always buy a more powerful set later on.

I guess it all depends on where you are at with your photography and what your needs are. I have heard wonderful things about the Alienbees. I would have gone with those if I had a larger budget!!!

I took this with that kit... :)

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August 26, 2005


Amy Anderson
  Let me back up the point to read every fine detail. I bought two Smith Victor lights, umbrellas, and light stands a couple years back. Hated them! They were continuous and were so hot. I wouldn't have dared use them with a client.
I now have one Alien Bees light, umbrella, and stand. Love it! And I'm functioning very well off of just one light for now (that's all I could afford).
And by the way, Alien Bees offers a student discount. If anyone that reads this happens to be in that situation, take advantage of it.

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August 30, 2005

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