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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member


I have a yashica fx3 super 2000. Can I use a 2x teleconverter and 75-200mm zoom. If so which one. I need to use the lens with and wothout the teleconverter. Please do not think I am nuts, just asking my thoughts.

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August 21, 2005


Jon Close
  You can use a 2x teleconverter and telephoto zoom lens. The only restriction is that they must be made for the Yashica/Contax mount. Look used as I don't think Kyocera (the parent company) makes lenses for this line any more. Tamron has a current line of manual focus lenses with their Adaptall mount which has adapters to fit many different mounts, including Contax/Yashica.

If you don't have it, the user manual is available at

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August 22, 2005


George Anderson
  You can, but I don't know why you'd want to try this. Yashica offered no teleconverter dedicated to use with longer telephoto lenses (protruding rear element), so image quality won't be very good. The results would be soft with a Yashica prime; a zoom lens would be even worse. It will be extremely slow, f/8 at best, so you'll probably need 800 speed film and plenty of light, or a tripod. And that's a lot of weight to hang off a little FX-3 and its 3-screw lens mount.

If you really need a 400mm telephoto, why not get a used prime telephoto instead, say a 400/5.6 Tamron or Tokina, with a proper tripod lens mount.

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August 22, 2005

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