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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

Richard Lauch

Polarizer for indoor/outdoor use

Alright I'm lazy and I admit it. I've heard great things about polarizer lenses for outdoor photos. Here's my problem: if I stick the filter on to shoot outdoors and come inside I doubt I will have the energy to constantly put on and take off the filter. Nor will my wife, who after 9 years still can't figure out how play a VCR tape or check her email, nevermind changing anything on the SLR. So here's my question, If I put the polarizer on a 28 - 100mm lens, how much will the filter darken the indoor photo when I eventually take one with the filter still on? Or should I just use the filter on my 70 - 210mm, knowing that I take very few shots indoor with this lens, and leave the 28 - 100mm off? Thanks

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August 19, 2005


Jon Close
  About 2 stops, ie. the polarizer passes only 1/4 of the light. Very similar to having dark sunglasses and not taking them off indoors. If you can't be bothered with unscrewing the filter, don't put it on in the first place.

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August 19, 2005


Bob Cammarata
  There's also the exposure compensation factor to consider when you turn your camera for verticals. You will have to remember to turn the filter too.
I agree with Jon,...just leave it off.

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August 19, 2005


Richard Lauch
  Thanks, I think you're right.

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August 19, 2005

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