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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

Justin G.

Do you recommend these Canon lenses/flash?

Canon - Zoom Telephoto EF 70-200mm f/4.0 L USM Autofocus Lens

Canon - Zoom Wide Angle – Telephoto EF 28-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM Autofocus Lens

Canon - 580EX Speedlite TTL Shoe Mount Flash

Guys I'm going for a grant for my county and I want to get some better glass. Do any of you have these lenses and how do you like them? I want some good quality optics but I am not after the super highest quality, but want some decent quality if I start trying some portraits and not start weddings right now but have them for when I do start. Thanks for you help!


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August 10, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  Quality-wise, these are all top drawer. You can't get much better. The 28-135 is a great all around lens with excellent resolution power, the 70-200/4 is just as good as its faster f2.8 sibling, and the 580 is Canon's flagship flash.
Personally, I believe owning the 28-135 and the 70-200 is not a good financial investment, since the only focal advantage is from 136-200mm, which really isn't very much, making the 70-200 not that useful. On the other hand, the 28-135 costs a lot less than the 24-70/2.8 or 17-40, either of which would be needed to replace the 28-135.
On the other end of the spectrum, if you are planning to tripod mount your long lens, you might consider the 100-400L rather than the 70-200. It would make a much better and more useful companion to the 28-135 lens, in my opinion.
Michael H. Cothran

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August 10, 2005


Justin G.
  Well I understand that the 135 isn't that much more than the 200 but I wanted this L series telephoto and the 28-300 is way out of my league. Like I said this is for a grant so If I Get this stuff its free. gotta go, write more soon.

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August 10, 2005


Justin G.
  Basically the reason I want the 70-200 and 28-135 is for quality. I want the 28-135 becaues I'm thinking this is a perfect focal length zoom for portraits, and apparently its a nice quality lens, on the high end of the consumer lenses. I also want the 70-200 not for focal length range though. I want that for the quality. This is a great priced L series zoom lens and will fit perfectly into my grant budget. This is why i'm asking for these and not the 100-400 or the 28-300 L IS. Anyone else have any inputs. Other than the focal lengths kinda clashing, do you guys like these lenses?

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August 10, 2005

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