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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 
- Jyan L. Crayton

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A Good Telephoto lens

I was looking for a good telephoto lens for my canon 35mm and also one that can work on the digital s as well. I'm looking for a lens that will give me a real close up for wild life and surveillance from a good distance. ANy suggestions on a lens. I saw the Vivitar 600-800/with 1000-2000 converter
and also some other lens on ebay.


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August 03, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  I am not the one to help you with this as I don't have a long telephoto lens. Don't need one for the type of photos I shoot. However, I will say that Vivitar is NOT the lens it once was. Canon, on the other hand, has some of the finest long tele lenses you can buy. Perhaps some Canon owners can chime in and help you out.

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August 03, 2005


Mike Reed
  If you're interested in a shorter zoom, I have an autofocus Sigma 28-105mm/f2.8 for sale. (I just got a Canon image-stabilizer lens to replace it.)
I used the Sigma on my Canon Elan IIE film camera, then had the Sigma factory convert it for use with my new Digital RebelXT. They also replaced the AF gear for $50, so it's like new.
I'll sell it for $75 + shipping.

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September 10, 2005


Andrew Laverghetta
  I have a Canon EF 200mm f/2.8L and I love it. On my 20D it's got a field of view like a 320mm lens and sometime I want to get a 2x teleconverter. That would be 640mm with a maximum aperture of f/5.6? I'm not sure about that though. Maybe f/4.0? what's two stops slower than f/2.8? That's what it will be. The lens is around $600 while the teleconverter is around $250 maybe? I don't think that I would spend the money on the vivitar, maybe if it was at a garage sale. I've personally decided that I'm not going to buy a lens that's not going to make me happy in a few months just because I don't have the money to spend on lenses that I won't use. Sigma might have some lenses similar to Canons for a slighly lower price. If you want the best quality they have, go with their EX series lenses. I think if you want to photography at such distances and can't possibly get close enough you're either going to have to spend a LOT of money, or settle with lower quality and a small maximum aperture.

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September 21, 2005

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