BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

joe Yuen

Is Multi-Resistant Coating Necessary?

I am shopping around for a few filters. B+W is on top of my list. But I would like some advice to see if it is necessary to pay the extra money to have the "Multi-Resistant Coating" ones instead of the regular ones. Lenses are 19mm and 28mm. Thanks.

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July 26, 2005


Jon Close
  Coated and multicoated filters will pass marginally more light and be more resistant to flare. On the other hand, the coatings often are not very durable - more easily scratched and harder to clean off dirt, films, fingerprints, etc. You mention B+W and their Multi Resistant Coating, which is a hardened coating that addresses that durability issue. That and other high-quality features make B+W a good choice if you can afford it. Personally, I don't think that level of expense is "necessary." I'm happy with my uncoated Tiffen filters and using a lens hood to control flare. But - as with most things - "your mileage may vary."

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July 27, 2005

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