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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

Michelle Lea Guinn

what do you think of Promaster lenes

I have a 28-70mm Macro Zoom lens which takes great pictures. I was just wondering if the brand is still good in todays market!! I got mine from my dad when I started taking pictures. My sigma 28-200 zoom lens is not performing like it used to, so I'm looking into getting a new lens!! Any suggestions would be wonderful!! I use a Pentax *istDS!! Thank you for your input!!

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July 23, 2005


Ric Henry
  Hi Michelle,

This is a hard question to answer because I don't know what you like to take pictures of. If you are going to do alot of inside shooting were it is dark I would get a 2.8 len are faster because of the low light. I too use the Pentax istDS camera and I have a 28 - 200 Promaster lens which to me works great as a all around lens. I also have a Tamrom lens, Sigma lens, and a Pentax lens. So it really is up to you on what type of lens you get. Hope this helps you out a little bit.


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July 23, 2005


Michelle Lea Guinn
  Thank you Ric for your response!!! I mostly shoot outdoors or indoors by the window for natural light. Is the Promaster cheaper than the Sigma or are they about the same? Thanks again!!

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July 23, 2005


Ric Henry

I'm not sure which is cheaper. You will have to take a look at both lens and figure out what would be the best for you. But if I had to quess I would say the Promaster would be the cheaper lens.


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July 23, 2005


Karma Wilson
  Be advised--promaster lenses today are just Tamron lenses. Tamron makes the Promaster line. I have the Promaster 28-300 and it's a good all purpose lens. It's not professional quality, but it serves me well for many situations. Of three finalists I recieved this month, two were taken with that lens.

If you shoot digital I'd suggest the Tamron (or promaster) 18-200 as it will give you true wide angle with your digital crop factor.


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July 23, 2005

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