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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

Steve McCroskey

Filter system upgrade

I am in the process of upgrading my filters to the cokin P system.What would be the basic filters to start out with,and how would they be used?

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July 20, 2005


Brenda D.
  Hi Steve, I hope someone answers that question also, I love using Cokin filters but have a hard time with when to use what filter Cokin has a free booklet with every filter purchase that shows the effect of use, but it doesnt go into detail.

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July 20, 2005


David A. Bliss
  What filters do you currently use?

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July 20, 2005


Steve McCroskey
  I now use a circular polarizer,and a uv filter.
My camera equipment consists of a Minolta Maxxum 5 with a Tamron 28-200mm lens.
I will be adding other lenses in the future.

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July 20, 2005


David A. Bliss
  Since you already have the polarizer, you can put that off for awhile. The nice thing about the cokin system, though, is that can use the same filter for all of your lenses, you just need a ring for each lens.

I personally feel that graduated neutral density filters are one of the most important filters. Looking through your portfolio, Steve, you have a few landscapes, so this is a filter you should get and learn how to use. A GND will keep a bright sky and darker foreground within an exposure latitude that film or a sensor can manage, and keep the photo from having over or under exposed areas. There are different levels and colors you can get, depending on your needs.

Enhancing filters can add some pop to your subject. I don't actually use any enhancing filters right now, so I can't give you a lot of advice on those.

Brenda, if you don't have a polarizer, get one. It is quite possibly the most important filter you can have. It is used to reduce glare, enhancing a sky, or help to saturate colors.

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July 20, 2005

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