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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

Luz P

Used Novatron 880 plus system

I have stumbled into the possibility of owning a Novatron 880 Plus system. There is limited information about it per, but I did find out it is an "older model." I need to ask how old it is exactly...maybe a moot question considering it could be 20+ years old???? Here is what is included in the system:

Novatron Strobe System:

880 Watt Second Power Pack (960 w/s when using one head)
4 Heads:(2) stop reducing heads, 1 Bare tube, 1 normal
2 Umbrellas
4 Light Stands
1 Chimera Speedring
Rolling Hard Case (Holds Everything!)

The gentleman (who owns a photo studio) is also going to offer a boom light/stand, snoots, grid, extension adaptor. He wants between $400.00 and $500.00 for everything.


Thanks in advance! BTW I am very much a beginner (although I have taken classes on and off for a couple of years) and taking the Portrait lighting course. I do have a very humble set up for the class.

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July 12, 2005

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