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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

canon lens adaptors?

the thing is im new at this...and I have been looking for a lens for my camera..i recently bought a canon eos 1x is compatable with most ef lens and accesories...or though im told...but what I was wondering is if I can buy some kind of an "adaptor" so that I could use other canon accesories..i have found a really nice mf mount lens for a good price and wanted to buy it if I could use it...

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July 05, 2005


Jon Close
  Yes, there are some FD lens to EOS body adapters. Generally not worth the bother, except maybe for macro work. The EOS cameras have a longer lens flange to film/image sensor distance than the FD bodies. Thus, using an FD lens on an EOS body loses infinity focus (not a problem for macro use) unless the adapter has optical correction elements. Adapters with the correction elements necessarily act as a 1.26x teleconverter, and there is a loss of optical quality. The adapters cannot enable aperture control by the EOS body, so the lens can only be used in stop-down metering mode.

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July 05, 2005

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