BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

dejur lenses

I have an old Cannon AE1 Program that I love and I'm planning on buying one for my boyfriend. I found someone selling an AE1 body along with Dejur lenses and I have never heard of these and wanted to find out if they were of good quality and compatible with the body.

The numbers on the lenses are 30409 for the 35mm and 53897 for the 135, both are 1:2.8.
Thank you very much.

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June 27, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  My guess would be no. Believe me, if they were a quality brand, they would be known. And listing the serial numbers that you did serves no purpose. I'd stay clear unless the price of the package was about what you would expect to pay for the body.
C'mon, you're going to get him a nice classic body. Have the decency to put at least one Canon lens on it. Don't show him how cheap you are yet. Save that for when you're married!
Michael H. Cothran

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June 27, 2005

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