BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

What lens will fit

Will my zoom and other lenses on my Canon T-50 fit and perform on a Canon EOS Rebel GII?

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June 18, 2005


Jon Close
  No. The T-50 lens mount is Canon's FD mount for manual focus lenses. It uses a mechanical lever to control the aperture. The EOS cameras and lenses have an entirely different mount, designated EF. It is wider, set farther from the film plane, and entirely electronic.

There are some FD-to-EF adaptors available, but trust me, they are not worth the bother. Because of the different lens to film distance, the adaptors have optical elements to restore infinity focus - but it acts as a 1.2x or 1.3x teleconverter with some optical degradation and decreased effective maximum aperture. The aperture can only be operated manually with stop-down metering, so you have even less functionality with the lens on an EOS than you do with the T-50.

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June 20, 2005

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