BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

Linda Buchanan

Teleconverter for a Canon Rebel

I have a Canon Rebel 2000 and TI and plan to purchase a Digital Rebel XT in the near future. Does anyone have any experience with a telecoverter for these cameras? I have seen brands other than Canon, usually Bower, and I am wondering about that too. Thanks!

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June 14, 2005


Jon Close
  I'm not so familiar with Bower, but I think these TCs are designed to screw into the filter threads on the front of the permanently mounted lenses on point & shoot cameras. These are not generally recommended for SLR cameras as they add a lot of weight to the end of the lens (they generally mount on adapters connected to the body of point & shoots), and are not so well matched optically - causing vignetting, distortion and other problems.

With an SLR like the film or digital Rebels you will want a teleconverter that mounts between the camera and lens. Those from Kenko or Tamron can generally be used on most any lens, zoom or prime, longer than 50mm. Those from Canon and Sigma have more a more speciallized design and can only be used with a select few compatible lenses.

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June 14, 2005

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