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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

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Kel McBride

Need to estimate value of Kodak DL-9000 camera

I am trying to locate information on the Kodak DL-9000 camera. It is used but in good condition and comes w/ an adjustable flash attachment. Any websites or links where I might luck finding out exactly what this camera is worth would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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June 13, 2005


Jon Close
  I can't find any information on such a model from Kodak. Is it a 35mm film camera with a handle-mount flash on the side, like these "Nikkei DL-9000" and "Canon DL-9000"? see LINK. If so it is a very cheap, very simple camera. It is not made by Kodak, Canon, or any other reputable maker. Such labeling is a fraud. Worth about $15, it is often sold for much, much more by unscrupulous sellers to buyers unfamiliar with cameras.

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June 14, 2005


Kel McBride
  Jon --

Thank you very much for your time and information about this camera. I was becoming somewhat frustrated -- but glad that I posted here before being suckered into purchasing this camera. You found this model exactly -- the case it's in is the very one that is listed in the picture at the link you gave me.

This is what the seller told me -- new cost $375 but she'd be willing to take a lot less because she really needed to sell it.

Thanks again really! You've made my day most definitely! :) If you don't mind -- what sites did you use to find this info? (I am still looking it seems so will likely need it in the future lol)

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June 14, 2005


Jon Close
  I "Googled" DL-9000 after not finding anything like it at Kodak's site. That turned up ebay listings. I recognized the camera as one that I've seen before. It often goes under "sound alike" (but legal) names like Olympia instead of Olympus and Nikkei instead of Nikkor. Apparently it's now turning up blatantly labeled as a Canon, Kodak, Pentax, etc. including phony stickers using these manufacturer's registered trademark fonts, which I can't believe is legal.

This site,, offers online manuals. It apparently has been so inundated by people asking about this camera that they've posed the following:

>>For those of you asking about the DL-9000 cameras, be it by Pentax, Pentaks, Olimpus, Olympus, Canon, Cannon, Nekkei, Nikkei, Nikkon, Arman or whatever other labels they're putting on them these days... you're holding a FRAUD. It is a cheaply made 35mm point and shoot made in the shape of an SLR camera, labeled with the name of a big manufacturer, and sold as the real thing for prices ranging wildly from $9.00 USD to $400.00 USD. These impostors also go by the model number UL-3000 and various other models in the format "(letter)L-(number)000". Distinguising features of these pieces of trash include a "focus-free" 50 or 55 mm lens with an f-stop of 1/6.3, dual viewfinders (top and back), a grip style "zoom" flash, and if you buy it online they seem to like the "Engrish" phrase "acrodynamic styling". Sorry, friend. You've been had.<<

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June 14, 2005


Christopher A. Vedros
  Good catch, Jon. Haven't seen anything this cheezy in quite a while.

Anytime you're looking for information on an item, eBay is a good place to start. Any item you can imagine, especially a piece of junk, you're likely to find someone on eBay selling it. You just have to take your time and weed out the scams.

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June 15, 2005


Henry L. Creech
  Hi I purchased one of these cameras, I only need a manual for it no matter what the real make is. I know it is a piece of crap but I still need a book on it if anybody knows where to get one. thanks

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December 11, 2007

- Dennis Flanagan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Dennis Flanagan
Dennis Flanagan's Gallery
  Henry, Have you tried Google? DL-9000 instruction guides? Good luck.

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December 11, 2007

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