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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

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What used, CHEAP 35mm SLR to buy

I would like to buy a used 35mm with manual controls (can have auto too).
I would like to be able to find lenses.
I think I would like it to autowind the film.
On ebay, they have Nikons, Canons, and others.
What 35mm body is a decent model and inexpensive?

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May 31, 2005


Brian M. Lee
  I got a great deal from an Ebay store called "Cameta Cameras". The package I got included (*all new and factory sealed):

-Canon EOS Rebel T2 35mm SLR Camera
-Canon EF 28-90mm III Zoom Lens
-Canon 58mm UV Haze Filter
-Canon SLR Camera Bag
-TR-60N Deluxe Camera Tripod with Carrying Case
-4 Rolls of Kodak Gold 200 Speed Film
-Canon Lens Care Kit
-Canon Wide Strap and Batteries

All for about of $299.95.

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June 01, 2005


doug Nelson
  CHEAP is in all caps, my kinda guy. If that's the main consideration, look on an auction site or yard sale for the cheapest of the cheap, a Canon TLb or TX. Buy a 50mm f1.8 or 35mm f2.8 lens and you're in for maybe under $100. Have the camera overhauled at or, maybe another $80.

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June 01, 2005


Joan Bellinger
  Check with your local camera shops to see if they know of anyone looking to sell a used camera cheap.

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June 02, 2005


Andrew Laverghetta
  I like my Canon EOS Rebel GII. It doesn't cost that much now as it did when I got it last year. The EF 50mm f/1.8 lens is very good that Doug mentioned. I used it with that Rebel and my 20D and am pretty happy with it. Look into some of these other cameras in this price range though, as some of them might have a quieter shutter and quieter film wind than my Rebel GII but I really like it still.

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June 02, 2005


Patrick Perron
  My starter camera was a Nikon N65/F65. This is fairly recent model (2001). There are tonnes around for sale for 60% cheaper than what I paid new in 2001. It allows for full auto control with a bunch of vari-program modes and it allows for manual apperture and speed control as well. It usually comes with a Nikkor 28-80mm G lens and you can find a 50mm f1.8 lens for pretty cheap.

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June 07, 2005


Steven P. Hambrick
  My first slr ways a chinon cp7m (manual)I love it and still use it, you can also get a cp9af (auto)
I found several of both on ebay for under $75. The great thing is thay are a solid metal body and take a k mount lens (pentax).

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June 07, 2005


Kevin Ekstrom
  I thought I'd toss in a cent or two....

I really love my NIKON FG. You can pick one up on e-Bay with a 50mm lens dirt cheap. This is truly a great little camera.

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June 08, 2005


Kimberley A. Sachs
  I found my Pentax FSPOT at a yardsale for $5!!!! It's all manual and takes great photos. (after I loaded the film properly! LOL) Sometimes bargains just fall in your lap. Be there to catch them.

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June 09, 2005


Melissa L. Zavadil
  Cheap is such a realitive term can you specify a little more? And are you looking for digital or film. Digital would be cheaper in the long haul for film purchasing/processing.

For example the camera listed above:

10D used with a basic lens
for $550-$600 would be very comparible just based on your film costs alone.

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June 09, 2005


John A. Lind

Pentax K-1000, K2, KX, LX, MX, and ME-Super (not ME or MV though) [K Mount]
Olympus OM-1n and, OM-2n [OM Mount]
Nikon FM, FE, FM2 and FE2 [AIS Mount]
Canon AE-1, AE-1P, A-1, F-1/F-1N, FTb/FTb-N [FD Mount]

Prices vary by specific model and condition. All are manual focus. The OEM lenses for all these are generally excellent overall . . . some lenses within each system are optically better than others.

-- John Lind

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June 10, 2005


Jacob P. Eubanks
  Another recommendation would be a mamiya/sekor 1000 DTL. It's what I went and got on

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June 14, 2005


Jacob P. Eubanks
  Another recommendation would be a mamiya/sekor 1000 DTL. It's what I went and got on my "budget". I got a good one and about 5 M42 lenses for less than 100 bucks. I've found it to take excellent pictures

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June 14, 2005


John P. Sandstedt
  All the traditional recommendations have been made and I agree. however, the real workhorse is th ePentax K1000. For a very long time it was the most recommended beginners camera and if you can find one, snap at it.

My original, not mentioned, was the Minolta SRT-201. I still have it although the focal plane shutter needs a repair [about $75] that I can't cost justify because I have two functional EOS cameras.

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June 21, 2005


Steve McCroskey
  Check out and,both carry an extensive used equipment inventory!!

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June 21, 2005

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