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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

William Jacobs

Tele-photo for Nikon 8008

My wife owns 2 Nikon 8008 cameras. I would like to buy her a decent tele lens for a gift. Any ideas for Nikon or after market tele. lenses without spending a fortune? Suggestions for ranges is appreciated.

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May 31, 2005


John P. Sandstedt
  Buy a 28-200 mm zoom. I have a first generation Tamron [bought it 8 years ago and love it.] Tamron's current model is available with Nikon bayonet.

Don't know whether the bank can stand the cost of Nikon lenses; some folks recommend buying only those lenses made by the camera's manufacturer. I've never been able to tell the difference, but I'm not publishing in National Geographic.

Sigma and Tokina make lenses in this same range. I have know personal knowledge of these. Note, while I've seen magazines like Pop Photo review Tamron and Sigma products, I can't recall a review of a Tokina lens in many years. Don't know what that might mean.

You should expect to spend $200-250 for an after market 28-200 mm lens.

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June 22, 2005

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