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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

Bill G

flash compatibility

I just picked up my first SLR camera (Pentax k1000) and am now looking for a flash. Eventually I am going to upgrade to a digital slr and would like to be able to buy one flash now that will transfer over to the digital. Is that even possible? If so what flash should I be looking for?

I just need something basic since this is just a easy going hobby.

Any help would be appreciated!

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May 24, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  Yes, you can use the same flash for both cameras, but it is impossible for me to recommend a particular flash for a digital camera until you identify your digital camera of choice.
Since the K1000 has no TTL capabilities, you can use just about any flash on it that you choose, either in manual or Auto mode. Note - I don't remember whether or not the K1000 has an actual "hot" shoe. If the shoe mount is not "hot," then the flash would have to connect to the K1000 via a PC cord.
However, a DSLR camera will have dedicated flashes available which will work in all modes on the DSLR, including TTL, and in manual and auto modes on your K1000 (providing, of course, that you can connect it with a PC cord, if necessary).
Michael H. Cothran

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May 25, 2005


Bill G
  After I posted that, I did more research and came to the conclusion that I will just pick up an inexpensive flash for the time being. That way when I pick out a Digital camera I can find a flash the best suits it.

Thanks for you help

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May 25, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  You might want to consider a Promaster flash. They have a removable module so you can switch to any dedicated module you wish. That way, when you DOWNGRADE to digital, you can still use you flash.

The film dinosaur has struck again!

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May 25, 2005

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