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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

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BetterPhoto Member

Update on Kodak Slide Projectors

What's the #1 Kodak 35mm Slide Projector to use? And where can I find it to buy?? Thanks!

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May 19, 2005


BetterPhoto Member
  Hi Skip,
Kodak announced last year that they were not making projectors anymore, and I really don't know if any are around in the stores. You will probably need to look around, maybe eBay. Ektagraphic III was a very good professional quality projector.

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May 19, 2005


John A. Lind
  Charlie's right. You may find some "old stock" ... a new projector still on hand if you look into the larger "brick and mortar" camera stores. Look for used ones with the major used camera dealers.

The Ektagraphic series were their commercial/industrial models. They're quite robust ... they were made to take a beating with heavy use in places like schools. The predecessor to the Ektagraphic III is the Ektagraphic II ... also excellent. With either one, if you find one used, you want to run it to ensure it's operating well - that the cooling fan in particular isn't making rattling noises (which usually means its bearings are shot).

As important as the projector itself is its lens. I found the Kodak consumer projector lenses lacking. I replaced the Kodak lens on my Ektagraphic II with a Schneider Prolux. The difference was amazing. After you find a projector, you may need to search for a while, but you should be able to find a better lens for it if it comes with one of their plastic barreled consumer lenses.

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May 19, 2005


Mike Bowden
  I don't know the protocol for referring specific stores on the site. There is a great used photo gear store in Dallas on Irving Blvd. that sells new and used equipment very reasonably. Contact me at for address and phone info. if interested.

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May 25, 2005

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