BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

Bill G

Basic equipment needs

I've been lurking here for a year, and finally decided to jump in.

I want photography to be a relaxing hobby for me. I do enjoy snapping pics with my point and shoot digi cam, but it's kind of limiting so I picked up a Pentax k1000 w/ 50mm lens on the advice of so many.

I have zero experiance with SLR photography so please bear with me.

Recently I read a very good article about building a 35mm SLR system, but I think it might have been written under the assumption that you have more modern equipment.

So here goes....

What type of flash should I look for since im working with a 100% manual camera? I eventually plan on upgrading to a Pentax *ist DS Digital SLR once I get comfortable, so I wouldnt mind buying equipment that is too advanced for the k1000 (if its even compatible) since I would eventually use it on the digital.

I read that you can use a manual lens on the autofocus digital body, but is the reverse also true?

since the K1000 doesnt have a built in light meter, will I NEED one to shoot pictures?

Should I start off with color or b&w film?

Thats all for now.

If anyone else has any other tips for me please chime in.

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May 17, 2005


Joan Bellinger
  Hi, Bill. Can't answer all of your questions, but I'll try a few. I started with a K-1000, which I still love. As far as a flash, I started with the $10 flash that came with the package, upgraded to a $40 more powerful flash and now have a bounce flash that I not only used for the K-1000, but now on my Digital Rebel XT. Mine camera does have a light meter. It works on a button battery that goes in the bottom of the camera. The light meter will only give you a line pointing up to overexposure or down to underexposure. You want it to be in the very middle for what the camera believes to be the correct exposure. I started off with b&w in my B&W Photography class, but use color when shooting sports, most landscapes, most portraits, but that's a decision for you to make. If you start off with black and white, I suggest using Kodak Tri-X or Plus-X, not the Kodak b&w that is processed like color. It came close to the other two, but not close enough. I hope this helps.

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May 17, 2005


Bill G
  so your saying the k1000 has a built in meter?

thanks for the speedy response!

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May 17, 2005


Joan Bellinger
  Yes. A very basic built in meter. You can find the battery for it at any Wal-Mart, Target, Eckerd, CVS, Walgreens and countless other places. You just take a dime to the slot on the bottom and turn to get the top of the battery compartment.

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May 17, 2005

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