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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

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Uriah H. Carr

Yashica Lens to Canon EOS body Adaptor

I found a Contax/Yashica For Canon EOS Mount Adaptor SLR that will let me mount my Yashica f2 50mm ML lens onto my Canon EOS Rebel G body.

The Canon technical dept. tells me this combo could do harm to the Canon body.

Anyone experienced with a combo like this? Is it a better idea to seek a Contax/Yashica body made for my Contax/Yashica lens?

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May 16, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  I have long been a fan of Contax/Yashica cameras and lenses, and have owned quite a few of each in my day. My very first 35mm camera AND my first medium format cameras were both Yashicas. I'm very saddened that their marketing here in the USA never gave them the credit they deserve.
The 50mm/f2 ML is a great lens, especially for its modest price, but in all honesty, it is not THAT great as to want to build a system around it. Personally, at this point, I would not spend money on a Contax/Yashica body JUST to use this lens. You'd be wiser to invest this money in more modern equipment, and in a system that will allow some growth.
Michael H. Cothran

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May 17, 2005


Jon Close
  Yashica/Contax lens to EOS body is routinely down w/o problems, but as Michael noted is rarely worth the bother.

The Canon rep probably isn't familiar with all camera mounts but based his/her answer on the fact that many/most K-mount lenses cannot be adapted to EOS since the lens's aperture coupling lever intrudes too far into the camera body.

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May 17, 2005

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