BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

Srividya Narasimhan


I use as Nikon n75 film camera. I want to buy a lens for close up flower photography. What is the lens that I shoud buy. Is there a difference between a Macro lens and a Micro lens ?I am looking for something at a price range of about $300.Will a close-up lens kit work fine ?

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May 13, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  Nikon has always called their specialized close-up lenses "Micro," while other Japanese companies use the term "Macro." There is no difference in the two terms.
I own, or have owned, all the micro lenses that Nikon has built over the years, and my favorite subject matter for using them is flowers. So, hopefully, I can help you here.

First off, for $300, the only new Nikon micro lens you could afford would be the 60mm/2.8 Micro. This, as is true for all the micros, is a great lens, but NOT the lens I would recommend for flowers. Its focal length is too short, requiring you to often be too close to the flower, and it shows too much background for my taste.
My alltime FAVORITE micro lens for flowers is the 200mm micro lens, but it is very expensive (over $1300 new), so not worth going into its benefits at this point. Even used, it would still be way out of your budget limits.

That leaves the 105/2.8 micro lens, which is also ideal for flowers. It will focus to 1:1 (as all the others will also), but, sadly, it costs in the mid $500 range new.

So here's what I would recommend:
If you want new, look at the Sigma 105/2.8 AF macro lens in Nikon mount. It is very sharp, and half the price of the Nikon. And great for flowers.
If you don't mind "used," check out Ebay for the Nikon 105/2.8 AF. It usually sells used for about $300-$400.

You can also buy some pretty cheap clos-up diopters to fit your current lenses, but these really lack in image quality. However, Nikon manufactures a pair of diopters (which I also own). These are two element lenses, and yield surprisingly sharp results. They are the 3T/4T in 52mm threads, and the 5T/6T in 62mm threads. If you go the diopter route, these are the only two I would recommend.
However, I think you would be the wisest of all to purchase an actual macro/micro lens, as you indicated you wanted. Even the Sigma 105 would provide you with beautiful floral images. Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Michael H. Cothran

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May 13, 2005


Srividya Narasimhan
  Thx Michael for ur response. I might go in for a used 105mm at ebay. Let me also go to a store and get a feel of the Sigma lens.

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May 13, 2005

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