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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

Kimberley A. Sachs

Lens Filters

What are the different types of filters and what are they used for? Does any one have any recommendations? I like to do a lot outdoor photography. (creeks, rivers, nature, etc.)

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May 12, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  An analogy to your inquiry would be similar to asking "what are the different types of medicines, and what are they used for?"
Obviously, something that cannot be discussed in the detail in which you are inquiring.
However, I will say that for outdoor photography, the POLARIZING filter is by far the most popular filter, as it reduces reflections off the surface of many objects, thus increasing the apparent color saturation on your film or digital image. A good brand polarizer is much more expensive than the run-of-the-mill filters like UV, Haze, Skylight, etc (none of which add any relevant value to your image, and whose only real contribution is as a "lens protector").
I would invest in ONLY a quality polarizer to start with. It will probably be all you'll ever need for nature/landscape work.
If you live west of the Mississippi, and near arid or desert land, you may also find need for a graduated ND filter on occasion. Living east of the Mississippi, I never have use for one.
PLEASE don't waste a lot of your money on a bunch of glittering, can't-live-without! filters - most are gimmicky at best, and the others are designed for SPECIFIC purposes, and should only be purchased in the event that your needs meets one of those purposes.

Let me close with this adage, which I hope will help you in the line of filters -
"You can always tell a 'new' photographer by the volume of filters in his camera bag." As a photographer ages, improves, and becomes more experienced, the amount of filters becomes less and less. Based on that, I must be getting pretty "experienced," as I carry only ONE filter outdoors - the polarizer.
Michael H. Cothran

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May 12, 2005


Kimberley A. Sachs
  Thanks, that was a lot of help. I found my Pentax at a yard sale for $5. Yes, $5! It had a lens and filter on it already. It also had a flash but since outdoor photography is my thing, I don't feel the need for the flash. I'll take a good look at the filter to see if it's adequate.
Thanks again.

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May 13, 2005

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