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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

John B

Setting Up A Home B/W Darkroom

I am fairly new to photography and am shooting with a Canon film SLR. I would like to set up a home black and white darkroom, but I only want the BARE ESSENTIALS for developing 35mm negatives and printing up to about 11X14. I was wondering if anybody could compile a short list of what I need to get started and also a few darkroom tips. I am very limited on space but still want to develop film. Thanks in advance!

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May 03, 2005

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Bare essentials are a complete enlarger(I say complete because if you go to order one, you'll have to check to see if what is listed as an enlarger is just the head and dosen't included the lens, negative carrier, base board, bulb) and plus
negative reels(stainless steel is better)
developing tanks
trays to develope pictures
safe light
three gallon jugs(milk jugs or buy the cheapest bottled gal. size water)
contrast filters
timer or at least a watch you can see in low light
and an easel
Other things that you can get by without but makes it easier are timer power source(really helps because you can set a time for exposure, push the button and it will turn on and off the enlarger for what every the exposure time is)
tongs to keep hands out the chemicals
something to make washing negatives easier
photo flo to help with water spots on dried negatives

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May 03, 2005


John B
  Thanks Gregory! And please, if anybody has anything they would like to add, please feel free to! I need all the help I can get!

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May 05, 2005


Michelle Lea Guinn
  Well hello John,
Do have a darkroom set up already? If you do congratulations, it is fun!! If not, I have got some great equipment that you might be interested in. Just email me thru betterphoto and we can go from there!!! mlg

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May 16, 2005

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