BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

Manish Issar

macro lenses

hi there
1)Can I use the sigma 105 mm 2.8 EX macro lens to take closeup Portraits? or is it exclusively for very close shots.
2)now there are macro lenses that are 50 or 24 mm instead of 105mm. how different are they from the 105. could u explain the range and what we can shoot with a 105, 50 and 24 mm fixed focal length lenses. I heard its slightly expensive but worth the buy? it that true?
thanks in appreciation

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April 29, 2005


Bob Cammarata
  The answer to your first question is yes. Macro lenses will focus from very close,...all the way to infinity.

The 105 mm will give you a little more distance from your subject when you are at 1:1 lifesize than the 50 or 24 mm. This can prove to be beneficial when shooting skittish subjects such as insects.
On the other hand,...a 50 mm macro can double as a standard lens for all-around shooting.
I can't think of any practical reason for having a 24 mm macro. At 1:1, would need to be VERY close to your subject to get it in focus.

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April 29, 2005

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