BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question - Lamont G. Weide

Contact Lamont G. Weide
Lamont G. Weide's Gallery


Carbon fiber seems to be the current choice for tripods. What is better 3 or 4 legs? Seems like 4 legs compresses smaller for packing, but is it as stable?


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April 01, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  Well, if it has 4 legs, it isn't a tripod. Do you mean 3 or 4 section legs? If so, I prefer 3 section. Just my personal choice.

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April 01, 2005


Mark Feldstein
  Yeah Kerry, I guess it would be called a Quad-Pod. Interesting concept. But I think what Lamont means is the number of extension sections per leg. If that's the case Lamont, the general rule is that the more sections you have the less stability you get. The carbon fiber models are popular with hikers, among others because they're light weight and manufacturers claim they're as solid as aluminium models.

My own preference is to stay with metal and 3 sections per leg. I like Gitzo tripods because they're extremely well made and take more abuse than a rental car. The Reporter model I have has been in pretty constant field use for about 25 years and still solid. I use it with a ball head that makes it easier to compose a scene in the viewfinder, easier to pack and carry (although I have a shoulder bag for it) and even at about 22" in length when it's collapsed, it probably weighs less than 6 pounds. Most importantly, it'll handle most 35mm and medium format equipment with motor drives and/or long lenses and the legs extend out from the center column to allow me to use the thing almost at ground level on different grades of terrain. Versatile, solid yet portable support.

Take it light.

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April 02, 2005 - Lamont G. Weide

Contact Lamont G. Weide
Lamont G. Weide's Gallery
  Yes, I mean 3 or 4 sections. Tripods of course only have 3 legs!

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April 04, 2005

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