BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

Joan Bellinger

Price of Cameras

Hello everyone! I am about to have my insurance agent come over and take pictures of my cameras and I need to find a website that could help me with the replacement costs of the cameras. Some will be simple, like the N55, but then I have my Pentax K1000, Canon Rebel G and some older models no longer sold in retail stores. Anyone have any ideas?

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March 29, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  Go to the websites of camera stores like Adorama and B&H Photo and check their used department. You should find camera similar to what you have for sale. I would print the page and show it to your insurance agent to verify the value you are setting.

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March 29, 2005


Jon Close is another source of values. If you can cover your equipment at a reasonable price, go ahead.

But as a general rule insurance is not as appropriate for small and relatively inexpensive items. While losing a $200-$500 camera is not pleasant, it isn't the financial disaster that auto or homeowners insurance normally covers. In fact it's common to have deductibles (the minimum loss before the ins. co. begins to pay) that exceed these values. Insurance companies will write riders to cover electronic equipment, cameras, jewelry, etc. but the premium is usually much higher relative to the value insured. One major reason is that insurance companies are subject to fraud. You'd be amazed at how often insured jewelry or cameras get "stolen" when a policyholder runs short of cash. To dispute and investicate these small claims would cost the ins. co. more than simply paying it, so they do but include this extra risk cost in the premium.

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March 29, 2005


Kerry L. Walker
  Jon is saying what I was thinking. Unless you have some pretty valuable equipment, it may not be worth insuring. I wouldn't go to the expense of insuring a K1000 or Rebel G. Now, if you have a couple of Leica's lying around, get the insurance.

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March 30, 2005


Joan Bellinger
  Those are not the only cameras we have. I was just giving a few of the examples. Also, with the insurance companies, camera also means video cameras of which we have several. I have been able to find a few through B & H and Adorama.

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March 30, 2005

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