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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

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BetterPhoto Member

Daylab 300 replacement bulb

Right. I just signed up about two minutes ago, and I'm already pestering. I got an "old" Daylab 300 from my dad, who bought it about 12 years ago and never used it. I plugged it in and proceeded to blow the bulb out.
So my question to you: what kind of bulb would I be needing? I braved the user's manual (under "problems with bulb" it said to "contact daylab". Great). So I called Daylab (no help there). I visited their Website (the relevant pages were under construction).
Could you help me?



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March 25, 2005


Dolores Basinger
  I have a Daylab 300 in excellent condition which I do not use. It's for sale.

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October 12, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  Howdy Cristina: The "dummy denial" that you got from Daylab conflicts head-on with the notice on their website. That notice means SOMEONE there has the answers.
Sooooooo, call them back, talk to either the director of technical services, customer support or the guy running the company. They'll get you the answer you need, I'm sure.
Take it light.

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October 12, 2006

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