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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

Andrew Laverghetta

What are Canon's L Lenses?

Hey! I'm looking into buying some lenses when I get a new 20D this summer and I have two that I'm trying to decide one. They're both "L" lenses. I don't know what's so special about these. Better quality? So I figured I'd ask?

I'm looking at the telephoto f/2.8L 200mm USM and the zoom telephoto f/4.0L USM. I'd probably be using it for sports that are generally closer like basketball and stuff like that. Since I'll be using it with the 1.6x focal lenth multiplier I guess it'll be closer to 320mm? Since the 2.8 is only a hundred or so dollars more and I'll be shooting in a gymnasium, I figure I should go for that one, right? the 2.8? Thanks for your input! Also, if anybody has the 200mm f/2.8, I noticed there's a little switch on the side that's not AF/MF. What does this do? Thanks again so much!

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March 07, 2005


Jon Close
  Canon's L ("Luxury") lenses are their professional line. Yes, they are better quality. They have more rugged construction to take professional use/abuse, usually wider/constant maximum aperture, exotic low dispersion glass or Flourite elements, and ring-USM with full time manual focus. Some have weather sealing, and internal zoom (don't change length) to help keep dust out and give better balance.

On the EF 200 f/2.8L USM II, the 2nd switch next to the AF/MF switch is the focus limit switch. One position gives the full range of autofocus, from 1.5m to infinity. The other position limits close focus to 3m (I think) instead of 1.5m. Using this limit speeds-up AF because the lens won't search for focus in the 1.5m-3m range. If you look at the focus scale on any lens, you'll notice that the closer you focus, the greater amount of changed needed. On the EF 200 f2.8L, the adjustment needed from 3m down to 1.5m is probably about 1/3 of the total range of focus adjustment.

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March 08, 2005


Andrew Laverghetta
  Thanks Jon! I also wanted to see if I could ask quickly, does the large aperture of the one usually out weigh the ability to zoom of the other lens I mentioned? I'm used to a 50mm normal lens and not being able to twist to get closer though. I used 3200TMAX in a gym last weekend with my other 200mm lens at f/5.6 and my shutter speed was around 1/200. Will the zoom f/4.0 give me enough light to shoot action shots in this kind of light with the 20D or should I go for the 2.8? Thanks again!

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March 08, 2005

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