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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

Jennifer S

Lens compatibility

This may be a dumb question, but I'm just learning about equipment so bare with me!! I just bought a Canon EOS rebel- 35mm. I much prefer digital cameras, but Im taking the courses at NYIP and I felt that I personally would benefit more having an SLR to help me learn rather then my very basic and easy point and shoot. I'd love to buy a digital EOS but it's really not in my budget right now. Ayyway, are all the EOS EF lenses compatible with both the 35mm and the digitals? For example, could I buy a telephoto lens for the 35mm and use it for the digital when I'm fortunate enough to buy one? Thanks for your responses!!

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March 05, 2005


Alex Cabrall
  By all means, yes! Any EF lens will mount to any EOS body, be it film or digital. In fact, some digital EOS bodies give you a 1.5x lens factor, which is awesome for telephotos!
A word of WARNING: right now there are three canon lenses that WILL NOT mount to FILM camera bodies. These are EF-S lenses, and they have a different color scheme, and USUALLY are only sold with a digital body and not standalone, but be aware that they might be out there. ALSO: the older canon manual focus lenses, the "FD" line, WILL NOT MOUNT to ANY EF body without the use of adapter rings, and some loss of functionality.
Final word: EF:-Go for it! EF-S:-Digital Only! FD:-Stay awaaayyyy!

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March 05, 2005


Jennifer S
  Thank you so much, Alex!!

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March 05, 2005

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