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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Selecting a Flash

I have a old Canon A1 and my Metz Model 193, just went south on me. Do you have any recommendations for a shoe/camera mount Flash with TTL capability like this old unit. It worked great for 30 years.

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February 26, 2005


doug Nelson
  I didn't know the A-1 had TTL capability. The Canon 199A and 299T are top of the line flashes for this camera. They use thyristor systems for bounching the flash off the subject and thereby adjusting the flash duration. Both Canon flashes have bounce capability. The 299T has a 1/16 setting I like for fill flash or close up. The cheaper line Canon flashes had flimsy twist-knob attaching shoes; these have better attaching levers. Both are pretty cheap on auctions.

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February 28, 2005


Jessica A. Kolb
  I have a canon AE 1. I bought a Canon 188a speedlight, which can be found used for a reasonable price. The 199A and 299T are good choices too, depending on what features you want.

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March 01, 2005

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