BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

New photographer, What camera?

I'm about to buy my first SLR and was looking for a bit of advice. I'd like something not too difficult for someone just starting out, but also something that I can still use in a year or 2, when I've developed my skills. Looking to spend aroun £200-£250 ($375-450) for camera and lense. I'll be using it for various things, so thought a zoom lense might be an idea. All advice welcome.


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January 26, 2005


Ryan W. Clary
  I would highly recomend buying the Nikon N75/F75. It is the first SLR camera that I purchased and it is perfect. It has Auto settings for a beginer, as well as manual settings. It is compact, light weight and very easy to use. It's MSRP is about $350.00 with a 28-80mm Nikon zoom lens. I bought that with a Tamron 70-300mm zoom and it makes incredible pictures. If not the N75, then try another N series Nikon SLR, such as the N55 for about $300

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January 26, 2005

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