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Category: Film-Based Camera Equipment

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

New photographer, What lense?

I'll be buying my first SLR in the next week and was looking in to getting a second hand minolta 700si. Saw one for £130, but it doesn't come with a lense. What type of lense would you advise? was thinking 28-80 or 28-100. It'll be used mainly for travel photography (landscapes and buildings) and I'm willing to spend about £100-£150. All suggestions welcome.


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January 24, 2005


doug Nelson
  "Buildings" tells me that you'd do better with a 28mm prime lens, rather than relying on the wide end of a zoom. When I shoot through an arch, I don't want to see bowlegs as walls. The distortion at the wide end of most zooms will do this. Truly good zooms have shorter ranges (20-35, 28-50, 35-70, 80-200). One lens cannot really do it all. The choice is between convenience and image quality.

Also, Minolta has consistently made a truly excellent 50mm lens, in f1.7 or f1.4. Interestingly, the 50mm will be your best lens optically, and also your cheapest. Combine your 50 with a 2x extender, or buy an 85 or 10mm short tele. Buy properly sized lens hoods for all your lenses. Minolta hoods are very rare and so, expensive; the generic rubber camera store hoods are fine.

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January 25, 2005

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